Available time slots

Tuesday 18 February
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  • Apply

    Barne og ungdomskurs 2024/25

    • Period: August 26 2024 - June 20 2025

    OTK følger Play and Stay - konseptet med inndeling av barn i en kombinasjon av alder og ferdighet i hhv. rød, oransje, grønn og gul. Trenerne deler barna inn i grupper - foreldrene behøver ikke selv velge farge nå de melder barna på kurs. De barna som ønsker å trene mellom mandag og torsdag må trene minimum 2 ganger pr. uke. Barn i rødt, oransje, grønn eller gul som ønsker å trene 1 gang pr. uke kan få tilbud på fredag.

    Oransje, grønn og gul kan velge mellom kombinasjonen mandag + onsdag eller tirsdag + torsdag. Rød kan velge enten mandag eller tirsdag og onsdag eller torsdag (m.a.o. kombinasjoner mandag+onsdag, mandag + torsdag, tirsdag + onsdag eller tirsdag + torsdag)

    Prisen for kurset finner du under "Kurs/Priser" på våre hjemmesider.

    På grunn av OTKs byggeprosjekt er hver time kun 45 minutter. Dette for at flere skal få plass på kurs.

    Ved påmelding godtar du OTKs betingelser

    Application deadline: 04-01-2025
  • Apply

    Barnehagekurs 2024/25

    • Period: August 26 2024 - June 20 2025

    Barnehagekurset er en fin blanding av lek og tennisinstruksjon

    Prisen for kurset finner du under "Kurs/Priser" på våre hjemmesider.

    På grunn av OTKs byggeprosjekt er hver time kun 45 minutter. Dette for at flere skal få plass på kurs

    Ved påmelding godtar du OTKs betingelser

    Application deadline: 04-01-2025
  • Apply

    Voksenkurs 2024/25

    • Period: August 26 2024 - June 20 2025

    Vi tilbyr voksenkurs for nybegynnere, litt øvede og avanserte spillere. Vi gjør vårt beste for å dele inn gruppene slik at nivået er så jevnt som mulig. Vi ønsker å starte en del morgen og formiddagsgrupper, så husk å spesifisere de tidspunktene du ønsker. Jo mer fleksibel du er på dager og tider, jo lettere er det for oss å finne plass for deg. Mellom 14:00 og 18:00 på hverdager er det juniorkurs.

    Ønsker du å delta i Cardio eller Fit Tenis så skriver du "Fit Tenis eller Cardio" under "Annen informasjon"

    Prisen for kurset finner du under "Kurs/Priser" på våre hjemmesider.

    På grunn av OTKs byggeprosjekt er hver time på ettermiddagen kun 45 minutter. På morgenen er timen 55 minutter. Dette for at flere skal få plass på kurs

    Ved å registrere deg for dette kurset godtar du OTKs betingelser

    Application deadline: 04-01-2025


About Dorian

Contact Dorian

About Edvard

Contact Edvard

About Felix

About Hans Jacob

About Jakub

About Jan

Available for bookings

  • Mondays
  • 10:00 - 14:00
  • Tuesdays
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • Wednesdays
  • 10:00 - 14:00
  • Thursdays
  • 10:00 - 14:00

About Ljubisa

Contact Ljubisa

About Marc

About Michael

About Nenad

Contact Nenad

About Nuno

Contact Nuno

About Ole-Jacob

Contact Ole-Jacob


  • Building Values Tour RED

    Welcome to the World of Tennis !

    This competition is designed for the young players from our tennis school who are just starting to explore the wonderful world of tennis. Our goal is to create a fun, friendly, and supportive environment where everyone can play on equal terms and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level.

    Beyond learning tennis, this competition is about embracing important values that will help you both on and off the court:

    Camaraderie – Working together and supporting your fellow players.
    Effort – Giving your best in every game and practice.
    Respect – For your opponents, coaches, and the rules of the game.
    Perseverance – Never giving up, even when things get tough.
    Enthusiasm – Bringing energy and joy to every match.
    Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace.
    Education – Learning from every experience, improving your skills, and growing as a player.
    We believe that through this competition, you'll not only improve your tennis skills but also build lasting friendships and learn values that will serve you throughout life. Let’s have fun, learn together, and make every match count!
    9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    250 NOK
    Member’s price 200 NOK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)
  • Building Values Tour ORANGE

    Welcome to the World of Tennis !

    This competition is designed for the young players from our tennis school who are just starting to explore the wonderful world of tennis. Our goal is to create a fun, friendly, and supportive environment where everyone can play on equal terms and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level.

    Beyond learning tennis, this competition is about embracing important values that will help you both on and off the court:

    Camaraderie – Working together and supporting your fellow players.
    Effort – Giving your best in every game and practice.
    Respect – For your opponents, coaches, and the rules of the game.
    Perseverance – Never giving up, even when things get tough.
    Enthusiasm – Bringing energy and joy to every match.
    Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace.
    Education – Learning from every experience, improving your skills, and growing as a player.
    We believe that through this competition, you'll not only improve your tennis skills but also build lasting friendships and learn values that will serve you throughout life. Let’s have fun, learn together, and make every match count!
    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    250 NOK
    Member’s price 200 NOK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)
  • Building Values Tour GREEN

    Welcome to the World of Tennis !

    This competition is designed for the young players from our tennis school who are just starting to explore the wonderful world of tennis. Our goal is to create a fun, friendly, and supportive environment where everyone can play on equal terms and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level.

    Beyond learning tennis, this competition is about embracing important values that will help you both on and off the court:

    Camaraderie – Working together and supporting your fellow players.
    Effort – Giving your best in every game and practice.
    Respect – For your opponents, coaches, and the rules of the game.
    Perseverance – Never giving up, even when things get tough.
    Enthusiasm – Bringing energy and joy to every match.
    Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace.
    Education – Learning from every experience, improving your skills, and growing as a player.
    We believe that through this competition, you'll not only improve your tennis skills but also build lasting friendships and learn values that will serve you throughout life. Let’s have fun, learn together, and make every match count!
    11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    250 NOK
    Member’s price 200 NOK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)
  • Building Values Tour YELLOW

    Welcome to the World of Tennis !

    This competition is designed for the young players from our tennis school who are just starting to explore the wonderful world of tennis. Our goal is to create a fun, friendly, and supportive environment where everyone can play on equal terms and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level.

    Beyond learning tennis, this competition is about embracing important values that will help you both on and off the court:

    Camaraderie – Working together and supporting your fellow players.
    Effort – Giving your best in every game and practice.
    Respect – For your opponents, coaches, and the rules of the game.
    Perseverance – Never giving up, even when things get tough.
    Enthusiasm – Bringing energy and joy to every match.
    Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace.
    Education – Learning from every experience, improving your skills, and growing as a player.
    We believe that through this competition, you'll not only improve your tennis skills but also build lasting friendships and learn values that will serve you throughout life. Let’s have fun, learn together, and make every match count!
    12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
    250 NOK
    Member’s price 200 NOK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)

About Oslo Tennisklubb (OTK)


Oslo Tennisklubb er en medlemsklubb som ligger på Madserud mellom Frognerparken og Skøyen. Klubben har 11 tennisbaner hvorav 3 i boble om vinteren.

Court details

Carpet (2 pcs)
Hard court (2 pcs)
Clay (6pcs)

Bookable times

6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Contact information

Oslo Tennisklubb
22 55 00 55
Jonsrudveien 6
0274, Oslo